3rd February 2025

Search Redbourn Parish Council

Working with the Community since 1894

Redbourn Fireworks Display 2024

This year's firework display is being held on 9th November 2024. The display starts at 7pm but do come earlier as we have the brilliant Fun Fair provided by Philip Green - they have been coming to Redbourn Common for many years and love coming so please do support them. The fair starts at 5pm and along with them, there will be food and drinks available along The Avenue.

This event is organised by the Firework Display volunteers, who are a working party of the Parish Council and hopefully you will agree, that it is a well run event which relies on are our wonderful band of volunteers. The event is free; we do not charge an admission fee, and so it is all self-funded. This is where we need your help as through donations via the bucket collectors and the sale of raffle tickets, this money enables us to cover our costs and to then be able to put the event on the next year. Please look out for the bucket collectors and the marques where raffle tickets will be sold.

We are always looking for volunteers over the weekend, so if you have an hour or two to spare please sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4FA8AB29ABFDC25-49130246-redbourn#/

There is a road closure in place from 6pm which closes the roads around the Common. This means will be no vehicular access from 6pm - 8pm to ensure the safety of the public. If you have friends joining you from outside the area, please ensure they are aware and either come earlier, or find an alternative route.

We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be another good display.

The History of Redbourn Fireworks Display

Picture of fireworks and fairground on Redbourn Common

The Fireworks committee as we know it formed in circa 2000 after a few years break due to Health and Safety concerns around the use of a Bonfire, and the effect on the environment.

Councillor Colin O'Donovan persuaded the Parish Council to restart the fireworks celebrations as a separate self-funding concern, in a new format - with any profits generated being donated to local Charities.

The newly formed fireworks working party relaunched the fireworks night as we know it today, reintroducing the Fairground to help fund the event and providing a professional fireworks display instead of the bonfire.

The first year in the new format was a resounding success - with the event paying for itself before even a single firework went off. As the years have gone by, the costs have increased, and this popular community event would not be able to take place each year without the help and support of Volunteers, Local Businesses and also the assistance of the Deputy Clerk - with administration and organising the road closures etc.

Looking ahead to our next display, the committee continue to meet on a bimonthly basis and are always looking for new volunteers to join. They are also in great need of volunteers on the day, in various different capacities - ranging from car park attendant to shaking collection buckets. Without enough volunteers on the day this event becomes harder and harder to put on. If you would like to get involved please contact:


The Fireworks working party is formed of a small group of local resident volunteers, a parish councillor representative and administrative support in the form of the deputy clerk.The committee in its current form has been responsible for organising the village display for almost 20 years now, each year seeming to be bigger and better than the last!Committee responsibilities include:

  • Meeting on a bi monthly basis
  • Ensuring that all the relevant services are booked in a timely manner.
  • Ensuring that road closures paperwork is completed and filed and that the relevant traffic management services are booked.
  • Sourcing sponsorship and raffle prizes to ensure the event remains sustainable and self funding.
  • Completing the relevant risks assessments
  • Rallying volunteers for assistance on the day.

The committee is actively looking for new volunteers having seen their numbers decrease in the last couple of years due various reasons. So if you would like to get involved do get in contact with the deputy clerk

Last updated: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 12:32