3rd February 2025

Search Redbourn Parish Council

Working with the Community since 1894

Friends of the High Street (FOTHS)

Photo looking down one side of the High Street toward Fish Street with the iron hanging sign for Nine Lives Vets in the foreground

FOTHS Community Group

Former Cllr Ivan Hickmott and Cllr Teresa Finnigan set up a working party at the end of 2017, to look at ways the High Street can better serve its residents, local businesses, and visitors.

We engaged with local businesses, residents, and visitors at the 2017 Christmas Markets event to see what they thought and if they had any suggestions or ideas going forward.

Following on from this, two workshops took place with local business, community groups and residents back in January and March 2019 which generated a whole raft of initiatives and an action list which FOTHS are currently working towards (see below).

At the beginning 2021, we agreed with the parish council that we would operate both as a community group and as an independent body. We will continue to need parish council support, and sometimes approval for specific initiatives.

Terms of Reference/Charter

  • An independent body to act as a sounding-board for business owners, retailers and residents of the High Street, and the wider Redbourn community.
  • To campaign and lobby for a revitalised High Street to the Parish Council, St Albans District Council, Hertfordshire County Council and other relevant bodies.
  • To lead and support specific initiatives which will contribute towards fulfilling our vision for the High Street.

We have a core group of "Friends" meeting regularly, made up of a blend of independent retailers, small businesses and residents from both the High Street itself and the wider Redbourn community.

We're always looking for new volunteers to bring enthusiasm and fresh ideas to FOTHS.

If you would like to get involved with FOTHS then please do contact Cllr Teresa Finnigan

Zoom photo of the village clock on the High Street which hangs within its own little roofed pedestal

FOTHS Action List

Ideas generated from the workshops were developed into action list of what FOTHS would like to achieve to rejuvenate the High Street, support local businesses and bring about changes to improve Redbourn village as a whole. The action list comprises of the following:

  • A charity and / or community shop
  • Traffic flow / parking improvements
  • A High Street cleaning programme and rota
  • Street signage improvements
  • Walks and Heritage trail (DIY blue plaques)
  • Hanging-baskets / floral displays
  • Campaign to support local shops and businesses
  • Empty shops improvements / appearance
  • Street lighting / street paving improvements
  • Better bus services - environmentally friendly

Our Focus for 2021

  • Village Market
  • Events in Cumberland Gardens
  • Charity Shop

Below are some of the FOTHS ideas and initiatives that have already taken place and/or are up and running in Redbourn

Redbourn Village Market

We now have a regular Village Market selling a variety of local food produce, gift, crafts and plants on the second Saturday of every month from 10am until 2pm. Young traders also have market stalls now selling handmade embroidery, chocolates, scrunchies, jewellery and much more!

Please do keep an eye out on our Redbourn Village Market Facebook page for up to date details on future market dates, booking a stall and what delights will be on offer.

We also have a dedicated Friends of the High Street website.

Picture of jewellery and craft sold at the Young Traders market every second Saturday of the month starting on 17th April 2021
Photo of one of the old coaching inns on the High Street now a local cafe called the Enchanted Tea Rooms

History of our Local Streets

Local resident, Joyce Clayton has spent several years putting together a history of our local streets and buildings and were lucky to have all this information now showcasing on the Redbourn Village Online website she has also kindly added several heritage walks around the village too, so please do take a look


Car Parking is the number one hot topic, we have met with SADC to walk the High Street and have put a priority list together, were now on their Work Programme for 2020/21 for review, they will look at the current parking overall in the High Street and its design.

High Street in Bloom Competition

High Street in Bloom competition in association with Redbourn In Bloom took place in the summer of 2019, where local businesses entered for the "very best and most improved window display". It was open to any shop or business whether it was a street facing window or an internal display.

We had 10 entries and the feel of the High Street was enhanced by it. The prize was a behind the scenes guided tour of the Christmas display at Selfridges and lunch on their roof top restaurant.

The winners were:

  • Overall Winner: The Barefoot Accountant
  • Most improved display: Village Hall/The Old Post Office
  • Highly Commended: The Hub/Redbourn Eyecare

Redbourn Emporium

Community Craft Hub helped to promote a community hub in the Old Post Office, we had a lot of volunteers come forward and in September 2019 Redbourn Emporium was up and running, with regular workshops, community events, selling specialist items such as craft, gifts and food products from people who have a Redbourn connection.

More information and to find out what is going on at the community hub visit the Redbourn Emporium Facebook page

Zoom photo of the metal post office sign and hanging basket outside Weymans village shop

Agendas and Minutes

Issues discussed and decisions made at FOTHS meetings are recorded in agenda's and minutes which can be found in our council Meetings Calendar. Here you will find all papers associated with each meeting linked to the calendar entry.

Alternatively all of our documents are stored in our document management system (DMS) so you can also view our agendas and minutes this way too. You can set the filter to select documents of interest.

FOTHS Vision 2021

Last updated: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 13:32