3rd February 2025

Search Redbourn Parish Council

Working with the Community since 1894

Who We Are

Redbourn Parish Council is the first tier of local government alongside St Albans District Council (2nd tier of local government) and Hertfordshire County Council (3rd tier of local government). Officially the Parish is divided into two wards, Beaumont and Nicholls, with 6 councillors elected to each ward every four years, making 12 councillors in total. If a vacancy arises in between elections, councillors may be co-opted onto the council.

Parish Councillors

Councillors bring local issues to the attention of the council, and help it make decisions on behalf of the local community.

Their role as the electors' elected representatives is to:

  • Suggest ideas.
  • Engage in constructive debate.
  • Comment on proposals to ensure the best outcome.
  • Vote in Council to enable the Council to reach decisions.
  • Ensure financial operations of the council are in good order, and that the correct financial processes are in place and being applied.

Councillors are legally required to conduct themselves ethically and to be open about their own interests. They are required to abide by the Code of Conduct, to register interests and to declare their interests on agenda items at meetings.

Our councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the Clerk to the Council on 01582 794832 or via email clerk@redbourn-pc.gov.uk

Code of Conduct

  • Code of Conduct (PDF, 242 Kb)

    Local authorities are required to adopt a code of conduct, which sets out rules governing the behaviour of their Members and satisfies the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. All elected, co-opted and independent members of local authorities, including parish councils, are required to abide by their own, formally adopted, code. The code of conduct seeks to ensure that members observe the highest standards of conduct in their civic role. The code is intended to be consistent with the seven principles: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

Last updated: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:01